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Notes from Florence

Published on April 2, 2007 8:47 AM | Comments

  • Yesterday afternoon the sun finally decided to show itself a bit in Florence for the first time in what seemed like weeks and it is out again this morning. Hopefully spring is finally here - the forecast for the rest of this week looks drier but clouds will still be around for most of it - high temperatures will be around 68 degrees.

  • Whales surface in Tuscany - there is a report in The Guardian today of completely intact whale fossils (2) being found in Tuscany. Eventually they are due to be on display at Florence's natural history museum. Interesting news and we will check out the exhibit once it opens.

  • Florence is absolutely packed with tourists - even walking down most streets in the center is a challenge, riding a bike is even harder. Last year living on Piazza Santa Croce I don't remember the city feeling this busy. Maybe there will be some slack after Easter - we'll see!

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