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Video Game Mayhem in Florence (and Venice)

Published on December 16, 2009 9:56 PM | Comments

So the new video game Assassins Creed II actually sounds (and looks) very intriguing - this is from the NY Times:

"There, perched atop the highest spire of Santa Maria del Fiore, I can see Florence stretching into the mist below me. Down in the clamorous streets, I am surrounded by merchants, nobles, thieves, clerics, guards, artists and courtesans going about their business. I flit over rooftops like a zephyr, skirt balconies and dance along clotheslines as I try to avenge the betrayal and killing of my father and brothers by the powerful cabal known as the Templars. I save Lorenzo de’ Medici from certain death and he becomes my benefactor. I befriend Leonardo da Vinci as he decodes the secrets in ancient codices I discover."


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