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Florence Update

Published on April 22, 2012 1:22 PM | 0 Comments

It is hard to keep a track of all the things going on around town this time of year - and the changes that constantly occur in this ancient town. Today is the last day of the free museum week, or Settimana della Cultura where all state museums are free for everyone, residents and tourists alike.

This weekend also starts the The International Handicrafts Trade Fair or Mostra Internazionale dell'Artigianato at the Fortezza da Basso, which goes on all week and next weekend and is open until 11 PM (except on the last night). This is a huge trade show/fair with handicrafts from not only Italy but all over the world - furniture, fabrics, art, jewelry, etc.


And this weekend there was a Slow Food market in Piazza Santa Maria Novella (above), as well as the organic market (I think the is called "Il Mercatale" and is the same as this one which used to be in Santa Croce) in Piazza della Repubblica (this one will probably happen once a month from now until the winter).