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Allison Crowe: "Una voce indimenticabile" Concerto at Teatro del Sale

Published on October 15, 2012 5:22 PM | Comments

Wednesday night at 9:30 PM, Allison Crowe at Teatro del Sale
Via dei Macci 111r, 50122 Firenze

It's been two years since Canadian singer-songwriter Allison Crowe made her first concert visit to Teatro del Sale. During this time, the passionate vocalist-pianist, who draws comparisons from Joni Mitchell to Aretha Franklin and more unique artists, has focused on theatre, film and dance projects. She has a part in an upcoming movie, (yet-to-be-named), while her other creative activities have already brought acclaim in her homeland. This past Summer she's Music Director of a hit play in Atlantic Canada, and, before and after her October 2012 European concert dates, Crowe performs onstage with Canada's prestigious Royal Winnipeg Ballet - singing and playing Leonard Cohen songs. She returns now with delight to Firenze for a special night of music - rock, folk, jazz and soul - "una voce che unisce generi e generazioni".

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