Since there is so much art and architecture in this city it is likely that something is always under repair or re-construction. At the moment, both the David and Hercules statues in front of the Palazzo Vecchio are under scaffolding. They are still putting it up so we are not sure if the plywood wrap is going to go further than it is now or not. Of course this is just a copy of the David - the real one is at the Accademia - but having these statues covered up really puts a damper on the effect of the whole piazza.

Piazza Santa Maria Novella is also still under major construction - if you are planning a trip here I would have to advise to avoid a hotel on that piazza until the work is done (you see those piles of paving stones in the photo - they cut them with saws all day long!). It is going to be great when it is finished (new sod and new stones all around), but for the moment it is noisy and dusty and not much to look at. Work should be completed soon by the looks of it though.

The Doubting Thomas sculpture on Orsanmichele is also under wraps at the moment. It looks like they are working on the tabernacle there - cleaning the marble and perhaps restoring some of the stone. That one is completely under cover so we won't know for sure until it is done.
Scaffolding is still coming down however slowly from the Duomo, and it is also finally down from the Campanile of
Santa Croce, but on the north side of Santa Croce new scaffolding has just gone up to facilitate work on the inside of the church.
I am sure there is more - if anyone has update please leave a comment and let us know.