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Maps of Florence

Streetwise Florence Map

Published on February 27, 2011 12:42 PM | 0 Comments

Think I may have posted about this map before, but here it is again anyway. If you want to buy a map before you get to Florence, this is a good one. You will also find the free map from the tourist offices once you are here, as well as several other free maps published by various businesses. Most are pretty useful - the town is really quite small!

Sushi in Florence map

Published on October 14, 2010 7:22 PM | 0 Comments

Craving raw fish in Florence and not sure where to get it? Problem solved. Here is a google map of sushi restaurants in Florence and reviews of those we've tried below. Florence's best nightlife blogger, Elena Farinelli, is a big fan of Japanese food so if you can read Italian, you can find more reviews on "sushi reviews from Io amo firenze".

Here is a handy map for sushi lovers in Florence by our friend Alexandra.

Florence Map

Published on October 5, 2010 1:44 PM | 0 Comments

We get a ton on inquiries here about maps and a lot of traffic to our Florence map pages. If you want to buy a map of Florence before you travel, these are a couple of popular ones. Purchasing them from Amazon also earns the Florence Journal a commission, which we of course greatly appreciate!

ZTL, Autovelox map for Florence

Published on December 11, 2009 11:04 AM | 1 Comment

This article is outdated - please see our website for current information:

Florence ZTL Map

This is a new map from the Comune of Florence that shows the ZTL area of Florence, entry points, Autovelox (the machines that catch you for speeding), and other important things you may need to know about driving around Florence:

Florence ZTL Map

One thing to keep in mind, if you do have to drive into the ZTL (and yes, you can in certain instances) is that while you can enter the ZTL to get to your hotel, or a garage, etc. - you can NEVER drive through one of the "Corsie riservate" entrances - at any time. The ZTL is open certain hours every day (at night, Sundays, etc.) but you have to enter in the right places!

Another tip - as long as you get your hotel or parking garage to call your plate in, you can pretty much get away with driving anywhere in the ZTL - but again - just not through the "Corsie riservate".

Satellite Map of Florence

Published on February 26, 2007 5:50 PM | 0 Comments

Searchable map of Florence

Published on February 12, 2007 3:59 PM | 0 Comments

FlorencemapiconThis is something new and cool - a custom map of Florence that you can search for hotels, museums, etc. Check it out. More like this on the way for other cities and towns.

My Favorite Online Italy Map

Published on January 13, 2006 1:17 PM | 0 Comments

Tuttocittamap_1Here's a link to the TuttoCitta site with a great map if you're looking for a specific address in Italy. Just type in "Firenze" (or another city name) in the "Citta" field, and the address you're looking for in the "indirizzo" field and hit the "CreaMappa" button. You'll get a great, zoom-able map. It's a big help when you're new to a city...

Historical map of Florence

Published on August 1, 2005 2:16 AM | 0 Comments

Firenze_florence_italy_1913This is a neat map, from Baedeker's Northern Italy Handbook For Travellers by Karl Baedeker, Fourteenth Remodelled Edition 1913. Map courtesy of the  Perry-Castañeda Map Collection at the University of Texas. Here is a link to the full size map.

Google Map's Satellite Image of Florence

Published on June 26, 2005 4:34 PM | 0 Comments


Google maps is really cool. Here is an example of what you can see. That is Piazza Santa Croce in the middle of the image (the light colored rectangle) - we will be staying on the south side. You can see the white marble of the top of the facade of the church to the right of the piazza. If you go to Google maps, click on the link that says "Satellite" on the right hand side, then put "Florence, Italy" in the search box.

Florence maps

Published on June 26, 2005 3:48 PM | 1 Comment

Here is an annotated selection of maps found on the web:

  • Bus Route Maps of Florence. Great PDF maps of Florence (best format for printing), with a lot of details, street names, and bus routes. Some of the best maps we have found yet. Here is a map of the city center.
  • Here are maps of Florence, and surrounding towns that are zoomable. This is from the official tourism site, APT.
  • Excellent, high resolution PDF map of Florence, perfect for printing. Large download - almost 2 megabytes. This map may be copyrighted material.
  • Map of Florence by Florence by Net - very nice large single page map, well marked, with street names and places of interest.
  • Florence map by - most likely the best overall map of Florence on the Web. Large, color coded map which you can view on-line by section, or download as a PDF. Good markings, street names, etc.
  • Map of Florence circa 1913 from a Baedeker's Northern Italy Handbook For Travellers, Fourteenth Remodelled Edition.
  • Maps by district showing most hotel locations in Florence from
  • Florence map by Lonely Planet - not very useful, small, with only the major attractions noted.
  • Florence maps by - page with links to several maps. Maps are not oriented north to south which makes them difficult to read. Not a lot of markings, but the detail maps do have street names.
  • Old Maps of Florence - page with some interesting if not exactly useful maps of Florence over the centuries.

All entries in Maps of Florence (alphabetical listing)